lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Aguirre to stand down as Madrid premier

Leading Popular Party figure makes surprise announcement after almost a decade in the post

Esperanza Aguirre, the regional leader of Madrid, has resigned from her position via a surprise announcement on Monday afternoon.
"I have called you here to announce my decision to resign from my posts as deputy in the regional assembly and regional premier," the Popular Party politician told the press. "I have reached the conclusion that it is an appropriate moment to step down," she continued, visibly moved and with tears in her eyes.
“I want to thank those who have voted for me. And those who never have,” Aguirre said during her speech. Aguirre was viewed by many as a possible successor as party leader to Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. She said she had informed the PM of her decision earlier on Monday.
When she opened the floor to questions, the first query from the press referred to her health, given that she was suffering from breast cancer in 2011. Aguirre admitted that her health was one of the factors that influenced her decision, saying that her illness was very serious, but that she is "apparently cured."
The now ex-premier said that she was tired, that politics is a job that requires a lot of dedication and effort and that she wants to spend more time with her family.
The 60-year-old Aguirre has been Madrid regional premier since 2003. Previously she had held various posts, including speaker of the Senate and education and culture minister in the government of José María Aznar.

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